Friday 30 July 2021

Giving compliments


During R.E. we were thinking about being a good friend. One of the things we talked about was giving a compliment. Some of Kakano 1 didn’t know what this meant. So what better way than to demonstrate. Everyone got into an inner or outer circle. Everyone on the inside moved around the circle giving their partner a compliment. There were lots of giggles and smiles. It was such a positive lesson. Try giving your child a compliment and see if they can give you one back in return

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Three-Way Goal Setting Conferences

 Next week we will have Three-Way Goal Setting Conferences for Parent/Student/Teacher.


Students and their parent(s) need to make an appointment to attend a 

10-minute conference with the child's teacher on one of these two days. 


Appointments available


Tuesday 3 August 3.10pm - 6pm

Wednesday 4 August 3.10pm - 6pm


How to make a booking

Bookings are now open. How do parents make a booking for their child's 

Three-Way Conference?

Via the following link and enter the code aemzc

Via the links button on our School App - select School Interviews - enter 

the code aemzc


Please note: If you are late for your appointment you might be asked to 

rebook for another time. This is because the class teacher needs to consider 

the bookings made by other families and keep to the times they have booked for. 


We look forward to seeing you and your child at the conference.


Sunday 25 July 2021

Term 3 Week 1

 Week 1  Term 3

Welcome Back!

We are all planned and ready to go and are so looking forward to seeing you all again. Don’t forget to bring those beautiful smiles - we’ve missed them.

This week we are so lucky to have Katie Knapman, the Life Education teacher with us. It will be such a wonderful experience for our tamariki, especially those who haven’t met Harold the giraffe.

Just a reminder that next week we have 3-way Conferences scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday next week. A reflection sheet will be sent home this Friday with your child’s report. Please can you fill it in and return it when you come to the interview.

Our Learning 

Literacy = sounds in sequence. 

We are looking at how we use sounds, small words and bits of words that we know to make our reading and spelling easier.

Numeracy = Strand focus. We will be looking at time, measurement and probability

Religious Education = Jesus

We will be listening to stories about Jesus, how he shared meals with others, told parables and shows how he loves us.

The Week Ahead



Kakano 1, 2 & 3 Life Education 

Kakano 2 Library


Kakano 1 Library


Kakano 3 Library

Matariki Liturgy 12:15 p.m.


The annual RE art competition. 

This competition finishes this week so get your entries in.

What: RE themed art competition-so it can be anything to do with our Catholic character, Mary Mackillop, Saints, Jesus, cross, Holy Spirit... 

When: All entries need to be submitted by this Friday!

Who: Open entry all year levels. 

How: Work at home on your art project or at school in your free time. You can use pastel, paint, clay sculptures, wire, thread, mural, fabric…!

Complete your art masterpiece by week 1 term 3. Winning displays will be on display in the school library-this is a condition of entry.

PTA AGM The PTA AGM is scheduled for  7pm Wednesday 28 July - first week back Term Three - in the school staffroom. All are  welcome to attend. There will be drinks and nibbles provided!!

Please come into the school via the Carnot Street gate and enter the building through the student entrance alongside the school office.


Sunday 4 July 2021

Term 2 Week 10

 Week 10  Term 2

Can you believe it we have already come to the last week of this term? The weeks

have just flown past. It has been such a pleasure teaching your little cherubs. We are

so lucky to have an amazing crew in Kakano 1-3.

We have a busy week ahead of us. On Thursday we have our Junior Cross Country. It

would be lovely some of your friendly faces encouraging our children. Thursday is also

our last day of term as we have a Teacher Only Day on Friday.

The Week Ahead



= Kakano 2 Library


= Kakano 1 Library

= Principal’s Luncheon


= Kakano 3 Library

= Junior Cross Country 

=PTA Disco 5pm


Teacher Only Day

Teacher Only Day

A reminder that we have a Teacher Only Day this coming Friday. If you need child

care for your child/ren, you can contact Mary-Ann Roling from Glenholme Afterschool

on 347 0709 or 0211 215599. Mary-Anne will be caring for students at St Mary’s. 

Junior School Cross Country

When: Thursday 8th July

Time: 11:45 - 12:45

Where: St Mary’s School field

Your child will need running shoes, PE gear and a bottle of water.

If you can help out on the day please let your class teacher know as we will

need marshalls around the course to encourage and keep the children running.

The annual RE art competition. 

What: RE themed art competition-so it can be anything to do with our Catholic

character, Mary Mackillop, Saints, Jesus, cross, Holy Spirit... 

When: Open now until week 1 term 3! 

Who: Open entry all year levels. 

How: Work at home on your art project or at school in your free time. You can use

pastel, paint, clay sculptures, wire, thread, mural, fabric…!

Complete your art masterpiece by week 1 term 3. Winning displays will be on display

in the school library-this is a condition of entry.

Friday 2 July 2021



This week we had a series of meditation sessions with Sister Rachel. Sister Rachel is from Wellington and she was teaching us how to meditate. We learnt the 4 S’s which are stillness, straight back, silence and say your words Maranatha. We breathe in and say mar-a and then breathe out and say nath-a. Today we spent 10 minutes trying to sit in silence meditating with our eyes closed. Everyone tried really hard and concentrate for the whole session. It was a lovely start to our meditation sessions which will continue this week. We will be carrying on Meditaion throughout our school. It is a wonderful way to pray and know that Jesus is with us.

Week 9 Term 4

  Week 9 Term 4 This is our last few days together in Kakano 1-3. We have lots going on this week. It has been a sheer pleasure teaching you...