Wednesday 14 April 2021

Red Zone-Volcanoes


Today we were learning to draw a volcano. This work we have been learning about our feelings connected with the Red Zone. Yesterday we drew around Tayla and thought about how we feel when we get angry, related to the different parts of our body. One of the feelings we recognised was that our do dies can fill up like a bucket and overflow when we get annoyed. A volcano was one thing that all the children could relate to when they feel angry. As such, we learnt to draw a volcano today for our art work tomorrow. Everyone did an amazing job at following the instructions step by step. Click on the link below if you want to try it at home.


Look at our wonderful first attempts of drawing a volcano. 

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Number Agents-Measurement

 In our Number Agency this week our children had to sort out a dilemma. The 7 dwarfs could not cross the river in order to get to work. The river was flooded and everything had been washed away. They had to come up with an idea to get them across the river at the same time without touching the water. So the children came up with the idea of building a bridge. They worked together in groups. Lots of different materials were used by the students in Kakano 1 to construct a bridge following the brief they had been given. It was lots of fun and there was lots of talking and reconstructing. Nearly everyone managed to construct a simple bridge to get the dwarfs to safety. Well done everyone.

Week 9 Term 4

  Week 9 Term 4 This is our last few days together in Kakano 1-3. We have lots going on this week. It has been a sheer pleasure teaching you...